This 15-minute timer counts down silently until it reaches 0:00, then plays a calming sound of bubbling water to alert you that time is up. It is available in 4K at 60 frames per second.
This timer is perfect for a variety of uses, including:
Cooking: Use it to time how long you cook your favorite meals.
Watching videos: Use it to track how long you spend watching videos on YouTube or other platforms.
Working: Use it to set a timer for breaks or to time how long you spend on a task.
Social media: Use it to time how long you spend on Facebook, TikTok, or other social media platforms.
Teaching: Use it in the classroom to time activities or to keep track of how long students spend working on assignments.
Field trips: Use it on field trips to track how long you spend at each location.
Online classes: Use it to time how long your online classes last.