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Tools and Materials

  • Sharpening stone (coarse and fine grit)
  • Honing guide (optional)
  • Lubricant (water or oil)
  • Strop (optional)

Chisel Sharpening Instructions

  1. If you are using a waterstone, soak it in water before use. If you are using an oilstone, apply a few drops of oil to the surface of the stone.
  2. If using a honing guide, place the chisel in the guide and adjust it so that the bevel angle is correct.
  3. The bevel of the chisel should be facing down on the stone.
  4. Apply light pressure and move the chisel back and forth across the stone. Be sure to keep the bevel angle consistent.
  5. Continue sharpening until you see a burr form on the back edge of the chisel. A burr is a thin ridge of metal that forms when the edge of the chisel is sharpened.
  6. Flip the chisel over and place the flat back of the chisel on the sharpening stone. Apply light pressure and move the chisel back and forth across the stone. Be sure to keep the back of the chisel flat on the stone.
  7. Repeat steps 4-6 with progressively finer grit until the chisel is sharp.
  8. Try shaving a piece of wood with the chisel. If the chisel cuts through the wood easily, it is sharp.
  9. Stropping the chisel will help to polish the edge and make it even sharper. To strop the chisel, place it on a strop and pull it back multiple times. Be sure to keep the bevel angle consistent.