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Run Fast Special Effect Instructions

In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to use Adobe Premiere to create the illusion of running super fast. This is a great trick for creating special effects videos, or for adding a touch of humor to your footage.

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • A video of someone running
  • Adobe Premiere

Steps in Adobe Premiere

  1. Import your video into Premiere.
  2. Trim the video to the section where you want the person to run super fast.
  3. Create a new layer and add the trimmed video to it.
  4. Right-click the video and select “Nest”. Name the nested clip “Warp Run”.
  5. Apply the Transform effect to the Warp Run clip.
  6. In the Transform effect controls, set the Position keyframes to move the person across the screen.
  7. Crank up the Shutter Angle to 360 degrees to create motion blur.
  8. To make the run even faster, move the keyframes closer together.
  9. To add an acceleration and deceleration effect, right-click each keyframe and select “Temporal Interpolation”. Choose “Ease Out” for the first keyframe and “Ease In” for the last keyframe.
  10. If your video has sound, you can unlink the audio from the Warp Run clip and replace it with a sound effect.
  11. Add a fade effect to the end of the video to make it look more realistic.

That’s it! You’ve now learned how to make yourself run super fast in Adobe Premiere.

Here are some additional tips:

  • Use a high-quality video with good lighting to get the best results.
  • Experiment with different settings to find the look you want.
  • Be creative and have fun!

Video Transcript

In this Adobe Premiere tutorial we’re going to make it look like we can run really fast in a split second and we’re going to do this with simple editing tricks in Premiere. The first thing we need to do is drag our clip from the project panel into the timeline. This will create a new timeline with our video sequence.

As you can see here it is a simple video of the subject walking onto camera then running really quick, ending and then going off camera. We’re going to quickly trim the clip. We can move forward to right before it comes on camera and then we can press q on our keyboard and this will trim everything to the left. Then we can find out where the person goes off camera. Right here we can press c to cut and then we want to keep this part that is just blank frame. It’s a good idea to record this blank frame as one shot so you don’t move your camera or tripod at all. We can delete this other part then go to the middle of the clip and find out where the person starts running. So right about here then press c and cut that clip. Now move to where the running stops, so right here as the feet land on the ground. This is the end of our super fast run and we’ll press c.

Now we need to move these three video clips up to the second video layer so select them all and then drag them up. For this clip we don’t need the audio so right click unlink and then you can delete the audio. Then we can bring this clip on top of the background. We want to go to the beginning of this clip, then right click on it and add a frame hold. So now if you look this clip it is all just a single frame. Go to the beginning of that frame. Make sure you click the clip in the timeline. That way its effects controls are in the effects controls window. Then grab the pen tool under opacity. e can hover above this clip and press the tilde key. It’s the key to the left of the 1 key. This will make it full screen then we’ll click around the figure. You don’t have to be perfect just start clicking around. You want to be a little bit closer on the front part of the figure and then you can be a little bit farther on the back part because we’re going to add some motion blur. You can zoom in if you want to correct any of your keys and you can simply move these around to make it more the shape that you want for your subject.

Once you’re happy with your mask around the subject press the tilde key to go back to the usual view and then make this fit into your screen. Now we want to zoom in on our timeline. You can do that by grabbing the handles on the bottom. Now that we have our mask done select the clip, then right click to nest it and call this warp run or fast run. Now we need to apply an effect to this clip. You can go to the effects window over on the left hand side. In the search bar type in transform. Drag the transform effect onto this clip. Once you do that you’ll notice you have another effect in the effects controls and it’s very similar to the motion effect. Don’t get confused, the motion effect is default. I’m going to twirl it up so we don’t accidentally move it. We want to use the transform controls of position on the transform effect. This will allow us to use motion blur. In order to see how far to move, you can drag this warp clip on top of the ending of the run. If you look here notice that we have our still frame plus the ending runner. Hold shift to go to the beginning of this clip. Make sure you click warp run, then on the position stopwatch in the transform effect click it to start a keyframe. Then we want to move forward some amount of time and you can drag these numbers using your left mouse button to just drag the figure over this way. We can definitely see where it’s going to end we can even adjust a little bit of height.

So right about there then we want to shorten this clip to that length. Leave your play head right there, grab the end of the clip and move it to the end. Now once again we’ll move this clip over on top of our extra background. Press c to trim the extra background and delete it then select all of that clip. Move it over into the middle spot. You can move it down if you wish then right click ripple delete and now we have a fast moving runner. It looks a little bit fake when it is just a still image so what we can do is click on the nested clip and then over in the effects controls we unclick use composition shutter angle then crank up the shutter angle to the max of 360 and you’ll see here now we have this, we have this blurry figure going across.

We can go ahead and make that even faster if we want. If we click on warp run, hold shift to go to the end then click on warp run and you’ll notice that you’re on the keyframe. We can grab this keyframe and just move it in a little bit. This will speed up the process of the run then we can move the play head backward and whenever it is right on this keyframe this will light up so hold shift and then you’ll see this blue dot right here you know you’re right on that keyframe. Then in the timeline just press w and it’ll trim everything now let’s check out the speed.

Great it moves a little faster but there’s one more thing we can do. Click on warp run then we want to click on each of these keyframes then right click on it temporal interpolation for the first one we want to ease out then right click on the last one temporal interpolation and we want to ease in. If you spin down this keyframe you’ll notice now we have an acceleration and a deceleration because this is what would happen if we were running super fast we would accelerate, be at our top speed and then decelerate.

So now let’s watch. That looks a lot better.

But we have a problem with the sound so we’re going to right right-click unlink then we’ll delete the actual sound. Go to our project panel and we have some ambiance noise from Adobe of a backyard then we can trim this at the end and we want some sort of sound for the run so we have this science fiction sound and we can put this right here.

Excellent, now we have some sound and everything is happening and then right at the end we’re going to go to our effects type in fade.

And then we do an exponential fade right here on the end of those sound effects and we can shorten it up a bit and so now we have our finished clip.

So now you can run super fast using just Adobe Premiere and this simple trick.