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On a Mac

  1. Open a new Terminal Window
  2. If using the Pi hostname then type ssh [piusername]@[pihostname].local
  3. Replace [piusername] with your Pi username and [pihostname] with your Pi’s hostname
  4. If using the pi IP address then type ssh [piusername]@[IP address]
  5. Replace [piusername] with your Pi username and [IP address] with your Pi’s IP address
  6. Press return
  7. Type in the password for the Pi
  8. Press return

On Windows

  1. Open a new Windows Terminal Window Windows Terminalexternal link is part of Windows 11 but needs to be downloaded if using Windows 10
  2. If using the Pi hostname then type ssh [piusername]@[pihostname].local
  3. Replace [piusername] with your Pi username and [pihostname] with your Pi’s hostname
  4. If using the pi IP address then type ssh [piusername]@[IP address]
  5. Replace [piusername] with your Pi username and [IP address] with your Pi’s IP address
  6. Press enter
  7. Type in the password for the Pi
  8. Press enter

Further Reading