13.01 Sound Art Workshop 2nd Meeting
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Check-in: [12:00, 15min] 1
- How’s everybody doing?
- Confirm that all recordings are uploaded to the shared gDrive
- make recordings of any that are missing
- video of Lucy Raven’s “Demolition of a Wall (Album 2)”, from
Pittsburgh Carnegie Art Museum
- interaction of multiple elements
- speaker selection & placement
- challenges of sound art in trad institutional settings
Activity: preliminary sculpture install [12:15, 45min]
Initial placement of sound sculptures in the installation room
- Arrange sculptures in the space, paying exclusive attention to their sound
- individually, how does each one interact with the space? adjust as necessary.
- collectively, how do they interact with each other? adjust
- Introduce interactive (motion sensor) and sequenced triggering
- look for ways to use these to balance the overall sound environment
Homework review: [1:00, 45min]
Listen to student recordings of their sculptures (homework)
- Blind listen, identify artist by sound only
- In prep for multichannel authoring session categorize:
- Continuous or intermittent - suggests use as either bed or foreground sound
- Pitch - to guide combinations of sounds that remain distinct
- Volume
Lecture/instruction - Multichannel nuts & bolts: [1:45, 30min]
Overview of multichannel hardware setup:
- 8-channel circular speaker array (x/y, no z for overhead)
- distinct from 5.1 or 7.1 video, which divides frequencies between sub(s) & mid/highs. x.1 requires specialized expensive software (Sony Sony Blu-print & Vegas, or Minnetonka’s Surcode)
- also different than Ambisonics, which addresses a full spherical sound environment, but is encoded/decoded)
- Computer sound output (from either authoring software or DAW) to a multi-channel hardware audio interface; this requires special hardware connections (firewire) and driver software.
- Could also be mixed down and delivered via stand-alone media player (Tsunami or similar)
- for soundscapes that don’t require tight synchronization, individual media players are another option
- Listen to a fixed-media multi-channel composition incorporating environmental sounds (examples from The World Soundscape Project)
Lecture/instruction - Multichannel nuts & bolts: [2:45, 30min]
Introduction to SpaceControl simplified multi-channel authoring tool (how-to).
- SpaceControl is a simplified tool for the creation of multichannel audio, with control over the panning of sounds around a multi-speaker array
- Quickstart video:
- Load a soundfile using “open” on any of the available channels
- (stereo files will load into 2 channels by default; we can delete the second one)
- Entire (5min) clip displays in lower panel
- Click bar at top of lower panel to add “nodes”; software adds corresponding nodes in round vector/map
- click & drag nodes in vector map to move sound in space, around speaker array
- click & drag nodes top of lower panel to move them forward/backward in time
- Green line towards the top of lower panel represents volume
- click on the line to add a volume node (shiftclick node to remove)
- drag node downward to lower volume
- typically several nodes are added to lower or raise volume of just a segment of the sound
- on right side of lower panel is a tiny vertical slider to zoom in/out on time scale - zoom in to make fine adjustments
- Load a soundfile using “open” on any of the available channels
- More advanced tools (like SPAT , developed at IRCAM and now available via Ableton or MAX) allow for more detailed manipulation of spatialization, including reverb and filtering to more realistically simulate distance effects.
Activity: Multichannel Sound Authoring [3:15, 1hr]
Once we have a basic handle on using the tool to manipulate sounds in space, we’ll combine our sounds into a group project on a single computer connected to the array, sharing authoring.
- Collectively come up with a compositional structure or strategy (overall arc, sequencing, background/foreground sounds, conceptual spatial map for placement in speaker array).
- Create a graphic score/storyboard to use as a map for our sound installation
- Working collectively (or small groups), we will import our sounds in SpaceControl, and assign positions and movement/trajectories within an 8-channel speaker array
Activity: Finalize installation [4:15, 30min]
Play the multichannel recording in the room together with the activated sound sculptures. Listen and evaluate resultant sonic installation/environment. Adjust as time allows, being sure to listen after each change.
- Listen with your eyes closed. In pairs, take turns trying to navigate the space with eyes closed (buddy responsible for preventing collision/injury).
- Notice the juxtaposition of the original sounding objects and their matching recorded sounds - how do they interact, and/or inform each other?
- Overall, listen for coherence/balance (elements working together) as well as contrasts. Similar or differing volumes? Complementary tonal ranges? etc…
Closing Discussion: [4:45, 15min]
- Immersive nature of sound (installation vs sculpture)
- Juxtaposition of live vs. recorded sound art, differences in affect
- Acousmatic listening (where sound source is not identifiable)
- Musique concrete (acousmatic) vs environmental composition (referential)
Students are ENCOURAGED to contact Bob Drake with any questions or concerns.