12.00 Introduction
Bob Drake visits class this week for part one of his Sound Art Workshop. In the first meeting, students will explore the fundamentals of sound art through introductions, discussions, and hands-on activities. The session begins with a round of personal introductions and reflections on sound art, followed by discussions on its distinct forms, characteristics, and vocabularies. Activities include demonstrating sound-making objects, analyzing sound qualities, and prototyping sculptural mechanisms to automate these sounds, fostering collaboration and problem-solving skills. This hands on workshop is accompanied by lecture, demonstrations, reference material, and in class activities.
Sound Art Workshop
A two week introduction to sound art in general, with a particular focus on sounding objects, kinetic sonic sculptures, and spatialized audio installations via multi-channel fixed-media. Class sessions will be a combination of lecture/demonstration/discussion and collaborative project work (mostly the latter). There will be 2 homework assignments (collect sounding objects, finishing & recording sound sculptures) - our work in class will be critically dependent on that homework. 1
Students will combine recent explorations in 3D modeling and digital fabrication to build upon the sound sculptures created in the workshop. Laser cutting and 3D printing can be used to create enclosures, structures, and sound devices.
Learning Objectives
- Create a sound sculpture with a motor
- Participate in a collaborative workshop environment
- Ideate new possibilities through the combination of motors and digital fabrication