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03.05 Motion Track Video Exercise

Assignment Deliverables

  • Exported H.264 .mp4 - maximum 30 seconds long video file of project
  • Label file YYYYMMDD Lastname Firstname Motion Track Video.mp4


Motion tracking is a fundamental tool for manipulating video footage. Plan out a sequence of motion tracked shots with a minimum of one each of the following shot types :

  • Establishing Shot
  • Full Shot
  • Medium Shot
  • Close Up

The backgrounds and environments for the shots can be related visually or unrelated. Think about the angle and composition of the background and lighting before framing shot. If using a green screen in footage that is added to the motion tracked shots, key out the green screen and use Premiere Pro or After Effects to make the composite.

Edit the different shots together and export as a single video. Sound is not required.

Grading Rubric

Establishing Shot15 points
Full Shot15 points
Medium Shot10 points
Close Up Shot10 points
Motion Track20 points
Editing / Post Production10 points
File Management and Labeling10 points