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03.04 Pocket Bag Assignment

Sew a bag of your own design with a zipper closure and pockets.


  • Incorporate a minimum of 2 pockets (You can use the pockets that you have already sewn or you can sew new pockets.)
  • Use a zipper to close the interior of the bag (Use the provided zipper from class or a zipper supplied by you. If you need a different size zipper for your design, email your instructor to get a longer or shorter zipper.)
  • Add a lining to the interior of the bag to conceal all raw edges of fabric. (The lining will basically be the same shape as the exterior of the bag and will conceal raw edges of fabric. You can also use the serger to finish interior seams before making the lining.)

Additional Notes

  • The bag can be any shape that you want. Experiment with forms and methods of construction.
  • Look at bags you own for inspiration.
  • It can be a good idea to use some scrap fabric to test out a seam method, bag design, or assembly sequence before using the fabric with your pockets.
  • To keep the lining from pulling out, you can stitch the lining seam allowances to the bag seam allowances.
  • Do your best to sew straight and make finished seams but do not worry too much if something is sewn incorrectly. If it is easy enough to use a seam ripper, then seam rip it and sew again. If picking out the seam would destroy the fabric or be to difficult, leave it along and move on to the next step. This is a learning process and mistakes are going to happen.
  • Consider using the thicker TEX 60 or TEX 70 thread to make the bag stronger. If you use the thicker thread, then use the size 14 needle and make sure the thread can pass through the bobbin case smoothly. If you make any adjustments to the bobbin case, do so a little bit at a time. If something goes wrong with the bobbin tension, email your faculty or the studio technician.

Grading Rubric

Minimum of Two Pockets in Bag20 points
Zipper Closure20 points
Design of the Bag30 points
Sewing Technique30 points
Straps Sewn On30 points
Lining Sewn In30 points


Minimum of Two Pockets in Bag

  • Are the pockets orientated in the correct direction?
  • Does the placement of the pockets seam thought out and intentional?

Zipper Closure

  • Are the ends of the zipper tape finished with fabric pieces?
  • Does the outside fabric and the lining fabric conceal the long edges of the zipper tape?
  • Is the fabric topstitched into the zipper tape to strengthen the attachment and to prevent fabric snags?

Design of the Bag

  • Does the design and shape seam intentional?
  • Is it thought out? Is there enough space to put objects?

Sewing Technique

  • Overall quality of the sewing and bag construction.
  • Are the seams showing the right sides of the fabric? Is the stitching straight?
  • Is there unwanted puckering of the fabric along seams?