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01.10 Assembled Scrap Fabric Sewn Collage Assignment

Assignment Deliverables

  1. 17.25" x 28.5" Assembled Scrap Fabric Sewn Collage


  1. Use minimum of 1 each of basic sewing seams
  2. Use minimum of 6 different fabric selections
  3. Assemble rectilinear scrap fabric sewn collage ~17.25" x ~28.5"
  4. Reference the work of Tommy Nguyen who recent exhibit, Tommy Nguyen: may the PLUSH be with youexternal link , featuring soft sculptural works at the Sculpture Centerexternal link in Cleveland, Ohio.

Artist Reference

Tommy Nguyen: may the PLUSH be with you

Grading Rubric

Plain Seam Used10 points
French Seam Used10 points
Mock Flat Felled Seam Used10 points
Serged Seam Used10 points
Serged Seam with Top Stitching Used10 points
Busted Seam Used10 points
Size ~17.25" x ~28.5"10 points
Sewn Collage Composition and Design30 points