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01.09 Seam Sewing Practice Assignment

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Assignment Deliverables

Sew a minimum of 2 each of the following seams.

  • Plain Seam
  • French Seam
  • Mock Flat Felled Seam
  • Serged Seam
  • Serged Seam Topstitched
  • Busted Seam

Stitch all of the seams together in a line to form a strip as pictured below. Finish the edges of the strip with the serger or a folded hem. Each seam should be 7-9 inches long. The spacing between the seams should be at least an inch.

Grading Rubric

Plain Seam15 points
French Seam15 points
Mock Flat Felled Seam15 points
Serged Seam15 points
Serged Seam with Topstitching15 points
Busted Seam15 points
Seam Swatches Assembled10 points