03.03 Mashup Slip Cast 2D Ideation Sketch Assignment
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Assignment Deliverables
- Upload sketches to LMS as (.png, .jpg, .pdf)
- Label files YYYYMMDD Lastname Firstname Mashup Slip Cast 2d Ideation
Assignment Overview
- Draw for a minimum of 30 minutes a variety of ideation sketches .
- Make sure to explore many different ideas as well as deep iteration over promising concepts.
- Document your sketches clearly. Images should be in focus, not have distracting shadows, have proper exposure, and correct white balance.
Grading Rubric
Assessment | Weight |
Variety of Ideation Sketches | 30 points |
Depth of Ideation Sketches | 30 points |
Documentation Quality | 25 points |
File Management | 10 points |