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13.01 Program Progress Report Assignment

Assignment Deliverables

  1. Report of production progress
    • Label File YYYYMMDD Lastname Firstname self selected programming research and progress report
  2. If available, a URL of any ideations or visualizations


  1. Spend 4 hours on producing your project
  2. Spend 30 minutes documenting your activities in a report. Write down the details of:
    • What you read, articles, tutorials, videos
    • What you tried
    • What worked
    • What did not work
    • What you wanted to do
    • Images and screenshots as needed

Be Realistic and Embrace Mistakes and Experimentation

Remember that nothing may work. It is likely that you will be able to create the example from the getting started but then it may break as you make changes and experiment. That is ok.

Document what you did and what happened. Be detailed and thorough.

Production Report Depth30 points
Evidence of 4 Hours of Production25 points
Clear Next Steps in Report25 points
Layout / Formatting10 points
File Management10 points