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11.01 Art From Games Assignment

Assignment Deliverables

  1. Report about your progress through the Art from Games project (docx, pdf)
    • Label File YYYMMDD Lastname Firstname Art from Games Project Report
  2. A URL of your completed project

Art From Games Project Report

  1. Document your project activities in a report. Write down the details of:
    • What you read, articles, tutorials, videos?
    • What you tried?
    • What worked?
    • What did not work?
    • What you wanted to do?
    • What you are happy with in the final project?
    • What you want to change about the final project?
  2. Make the Report engaging and informative
    • Add images and screenshots
    • Add skecthes from the development phase
    • Use simple type hierarchy (headings, lists, sizes, positions) to emphasize elements and guide the reader through the report

Art From Games URL

  1. Create a folder and local repository for your project in Visual Studio Code
  2. Publish your local repository to GitHub
  3. Publish your GitHub repository to GitHub Pages
  4. Upload the GitHub Pages URL
Art From Games Project Completeness25 points
Project Report Depth30 points
Evidence of Work25 points
Uploaded URL10 points
File Management10 points