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06.04 Program Next Steps Assignment

Assignment Deliverables

  1. Written report of what you did to make progress on your program. (pdf, docx)
    • Label YYYYMMDD Lastname Firstname Program Next Steps Report.
  2. Upload any URLs of working demonstrations of parts of the program


Review the next steps for your program as discussed in class. Spend a 4.5 hours working on your program. What should you do?

  • Continue to break the project into smaller pieces.
  • Add more functionality in small bits.
  • Write down what you did.
    • What happened?
    • Did it work?
    • What did you try next?
    • What resources did you research?
    • Did you try some demos?
    • What didn’t work?
    • What will you try next?

Even if nothing works, that is ok. Write down what happened, what you tried to do and how it didn’t work. Think about what you could try next and list that as your next steps.

Spend an honest 4.5 hours researching, trying, testing, experimenting, reading, and report on the results. There are no wrong answers except not spending the time to try.

Email any questions.

Grading Rubric

Written Description of Progress30 points
Demonstration of successes and attempts40 points
Code Status20 points
File Management10 points