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03.05 Keyboard Interaction

p5.js Keyboard Functions and variables 1

  • keyPressed()
  • keyReleased()
  • keyTyped()
  • keyIsDown()
  • keyIsPressed
  • key
  • keyCode

keyPressed() function

The keyPressed() function works differently if it is inside or outside of draw(). If it is inside, then the key needs to be held, if it is outside, then it acts like a toggle.

keyPressed Example Sketchexternal link

// Example showing cycling of colors when any key is pressed

let keyColor = []; // Holds the array of colors
let colorIndex; // Holds the current index of the color array

function setup() {
  createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
  colorMode(HSB); // Use HSB color mode
  // Initialize the array of colors
  keyColor = [
    [155, 167, 55],
    [23, 44, 189],
    [123, 144, 49],
    [12, 244, 229],
  colorIndex = 0; // Start with the first color

function draw() {
  fill(keyColor[colorIndex]); // Set the fill color before drawing shapes
  rectMode(CENTER); // draw rectangle from center
  rect(width / 2, height / 2, 100, 100);
  text("Press any key to cycle the colors", width / 2, height / 4);

// This function is called whenever any key is pressed
function keyPressed() {
  colorIndex++; // Move to the next color
  if (colorIndex >= keyColor.length) {
    // If beyond the last color, cycle back to the first
    colorIndex = 0;

  return false; // Prevent any default behavior triggered by key presses
