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02.11 Basic Generative Assignment

Assignment Deliverables

  1. Upload a URL to your online generative art project via one of the following options:
    • Self published GitHub repository published to GitHub Pages
    • Link to sketch on p5.js Web Editor

Assignment Requirements

We used primitive shapes and colors to make images in the previous assignment. Then we published those sketches to the web by saving them as a GitHub Repository and serving them on GitHub Pages. For the most part, those images were static or had basic variability.

Remember: We are learning about programming. Be ambitious with your project goals but also be ok when things don’t work out. Experiment. See what happens. Ask questions. This is likely the second thing your have ever coded ever, so be easy on yourself.

You are expected to work for 4.5 hours each week outside of class, so for this project an example of how to break up your time could be:

  • ~30 minutes to setup your project files and repository (this will start to go quicker as you do it more often)
  • ~30 minutes of ideation and looking at examples for inspiration
  • ~3 hours of trying, experimenting, researching, and coding
  • ~30 minutes Double check your files, publish your repository / sketch, and upload URL to Canvas

Assignment Instructions

  1. Make a new GitHub Repository for your assignment.
    • You can make the repository on and then clone it into your local development environment.
    • You can make a new folder on your local computer and then “initialize” the repository in your local development environment before pushing it to GitHub. How to publish a repository to GitHub from your local computer
  2. What goes in the repository?
  3. Edit the sketch.js file with new code that meets the assignment requirements.
  4. Use the Live Preview feature of your code editor to check your work.
  5. When you are happy with your project, save it and make sure that you commit your changes.
  6. Push the changes to your GitHub repository.
  7. Publish the main branch on GitHub Pages.
  8. Upload the url to Canvas.

Code Attribution

As a general rule, you should make your own creative content but of course you can be inspired and influence by the work of others. It is important to give credit to the authors of content that you use. It is also important to make sure that you do not infringe on the rights of the author no claim the work as your own.

If you use bits of code from others, make sure to clearly give credit, and provide a link to the original in your code via code comments .

Generative Art Notes

What is generative art?

Generative art refers to any art practice where the artist uses a system, such as a set of natural language rules, a computer program, a machine, or other procedural invention, which is set into motion with some degree of autonomy contributing to or resulting in a completed work of art.

Philip Galanter [^galanter-1]

Generative Art Readings

Generative Art Resources

Generative Artists

Browse the long list of artists in the artist reference page of this course for inspiration for this project and others.

Also browse this list of artists included in a February 2024 exhibition at Bright Moments Parisexternal link .

Grading Rubric

Use 2 Variables10 points
Use Increment Operator10 points
Use Built In p5.js Variable10 points
Use a Conditional Statement20 points
Use random() function10 points
Generative Art30 points
Upload URL10 points
