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02.09 While and For Loops p5.js


Loops are a programming structure that allows code to run multiple times instead of just one time like a conditional statement. Of course loops could be put inside a conditional statement but the then the loop is run once while the contents of the loop may be run multiple times.

The structure of a loop is similar to a conditional statement. A loop checks a value or condition to see if it is true and as long as it continues to be true, it loops through its instructions.

while and for Loops

There are different types of loops, but two common loops in p5.js are the while loop and the for loop. The for loop is much more common than the while loop.

These loops do something while something is true. The for loop can be though of as a specific shorthand version of a while loop.

let myVariable = 0;

while (myVariable < 5) {
  console.log(myVariable); // prints the value of myVariable in the console
  myVariable = myVariable + 1; // adds 1 to x each time through the loop

The above code will output 0, 1 , 2, 3, 4 to the console. This can be rewritten as a for loop.

for (let myVariable = 0, myVariable < 5, myVariable = myVariable + 1;) {
   console.log(myVariable); // prints the value of myVariable in the console

The above code will also output 0, 1 , 2, 3, 4 to the console. The for loop condenses the declaring of the variable, checking of the condition, and the changing of the value into a single line.

Incrementing a Variable

// this is explicitly adding 1 to x and setting a new value for x
x = x + 1;
// this can be shortened to

// this explicitly adds 75 to x and sets the new larger value to x
x = x + 75;
// this can be shorted to
x += 75;

For Loop Examples

Oscillating for loop exampleexternal link

// oscillating for loop example

let m = 0;
let mDirection = 1;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(400, 400);

function draw() {
  for (let turtle = 0; turtle < 255; turtle++) {
    console.log("turtle = " + turtle);
    m = m + mDirection;
    console.log("m = " + m);

  if (m > 1500 || m < 0) {
    mDirection = mDirection * -1;

Nested Loops

What is the difference between having 2 loops in sequence and having 2 loops but one loop is inside or “nested” in the first loop?