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01.08 GitHub Student Developer Pack Sign Up Assignment

Assignment Deliverables

  1. Upload a Screenshot of your Student Developer Confirmation email to Canvas

    • Label the file YYYYMMDD Lastname Firstname Student Developer Pack.jpg or png


  2. Upload a Screenshot of any error message or eligibility confirmation delay messages from GitHub to Canvas

    • Label the file YYYYMMDD Lastname Firstname Sign Up Error.jpg or png

Assignment Overview

GiHub Student Developer Pack

After signing up for a GitHub account with your student email address, then make sure you complete the following checklist from GitHubexternal link to make sure that you qualify for the Student Developer Pack and have your account approved right away.

Student Developer Pack Eligibility Checklist

To qualify for student benefits, you must:

  • Have a GitHub account.
  • Be at least 13 years old.
  • Be currently enrolled in a degree or diploma granting course of study from a recognized educational institution.
  • Be able to provide documentation from your school which demonstrates your current student status.

Before you begin:

GitHub Student Developer Pack instructions from GitHubexternal link

Assignment Instructions

  1. Complete the Eligibility Checklist above.
  2. Register for a GitHub Student Developer Packexternal link .
  3. Confirm you are a student.

GitHub Student Developer Pack Student Confirmation Page

  1. Confirm your School.

GitHub Student Developer Pack School Confirmation

  1. Follow any additional sign up prompts and email confirmation requests.
  2. Screenshot your confirmation email from GitHub or screenshot any errors or problems that arise. How to take a screenshot
  3. Upload your labeled screenshot to the Canvas assignment.