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01.06 p5.js Account Sign Up Assignment

Assignment Deliverables

  1. Add URL for your p5.js Sketches page to the URL entry field in the Canvas assignmentexternal link .
    • p5.js Sketches page link example -

Assignment Instructions

After signing up, add your profile urls to the URL entry field in the Canvas assignment pageexternal link .

p5.js Account

  1. Sign up for a p5.js account. link

p5.js sign up page

  1. After signing up for the p5.js account, navigate to the p5.js web editorexternal link .

p5.js editor view

  1. Select the Sketch page from the drop down menu on the top right of the p5.js web editor.

p5.js sketch menu dropdown

  1. Copy the URL of your p5.js Sketch page.

p5.js sketch page

  1. Paste it into the URL field of the Canvas Assignment.

Canvas URL submission dialog box