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00.03 Artist References

Below are artists who have made work involving computers, code, technology, generative art, new media, algorithms, and an entire cosmic bucket full of nearly innumerable genres, techniques, types of creative output. Peruse the list, go down glow in the dark rabbit holes, pick artists at random, take notes, save images, be inspired. It is important to not work in a “studio silo” without knowing what others are doing in the field.

If you come across artists not on the list that you think should be, let me know an I will add them.

Reference Artists

Additional Artist Lists from other Artists

New Media Artists, Activists, Games, Visuals

This list was originally compiled by Golan Levinexternal link and is used with permission. I first saw the list on Tega Brain’sexternal link Creative Coding 2018 course websiteexternal link . The list was modified from the original by removing links that have unfortunately died.

Physical-Digital Design, Architecture, Fabrication, Wearables

This list was originally compiled by Golan Levinexternal link and is used with permission.

Data Arts, Activism and Visualization

This list was adapted by Tega Brainexternal link from one originally drafted by M. Stefaner.

Yet More

This list is from Tega Brain’sexternal link Creative Coding 2018 course websiteexternal link and was, “… kindly contributed by R. Lozano-Hemmer. He especially identifies influential pioneers in new media arts and criticism.”

Some men in media arts

This list was made by Tega Brainexternal link and is used with permission.

External Artist Lists / Directories