08.00 Introduction
Fusion 360 creates 3D models for fabrication and physical output. Real objects is not the only product that can be made by 3D modeling. Images, animations, games assets, visual effects, virtual reality, and augmented reality all stay within the digital realm yet still use 3D modeling. OFten when 3D modeling for digital output a more fluid form of modeling is required. “CAD like” programs such as Fusion 360 are great for their intended purpose but can be an inhibitor to sketching and creativity since everything needs to be defined in a precise way. Of course one could make a Fusion 360 model without dimensions or sketch constraints but that would defeat the point of Fusion 360’s parametric precision.
Polygon modeling programs such as Blender an Maya , lack the precision and parametric features of Fusion 360, but make up for it in quick workflows and quick direct modeling manipulation. They also offer easier ways to add lighting and physical based materials to great stunning imagery and animations. Polygon modeling programs also have physics and simulation engines for cloth, collisions and other dynamic components.
Neither type of modeling is better than the other, they are for different purposes. It is important to understand multiple 3D modeling paradigms to become better at your craft.
Learning Objectives
- Model an object and apply a shader
- Model multiple objects to create a scene
- Add additional lights
- Create a render of the scene
Key Terms
- polygon
- face
- vertex
- edge
- edge loop
- ring
- object mode
- edit mode
- mesh