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13.06 CNC and 3D Print Project Fabricated

Assignment Deliverables

  1. Completed CNC Project

Assignment Overview

Cut CNC Parts

  1. After your toolpaths are reviewed and confirmed and you have a reserved slot for the CNC machine, prepare your plywood and cut out the pieces for your project.
  2. Use the router table to remove tabs.
  3. Sand down rough edges.

3D Print

  1. Confirm that your 3D print has proper fit and clearance.
  2. Print your 3D Print.
  3. Remove any support materials and paint as desired.

Final Assembly

  1. Assemble your project.
  2. You can use glue, fasteners as well as any other tool in the shop.

Project Resources

CIA Fab Studios Online Store - []( link

The Fab Studios sells pre-cut half sheets of 1/2" and 3/4" plywood. You can purchase it online at the Fab Studios’ online store on myCIA.

Grading Rubric

All CNC Pieces Cut Out30 points
CNC Tabs Removed30 points
CNC Pieces Sanded Smooth30 points
CNC Surface Finished30 points
3D Print Printed30 points
3D Print Supports Removed30 points
3D Print Surface Finished30 points
Project Assembled30 points
Overall Function and Design30 points
Craft and Appearance30 points