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05.04 Fusion 360 Install DXF Post Processor

When laser-cutting a part or a design, the information needs to be converted into data, known as gcode or a toolpath, that an be used by the laser cutter. To get usable toolpaths for the laser cutter we need to install a post processor. Post processing calculates the size of the material and toolpaths. Then it converts this to g-code to be used by a machine. In our case, we want to export a DXF file so we can separate the cutting and etching into different layers. Therefore we will install a DXF post processor provided by Autodesk. This will allow you to export your laser cut tool paths from Fusion 360 as a DXF file that you can open and edit in Illustrator.

Follow the instructions in the video below to install the DXF Post Processor from Autodesk. This is the link to the DXF Post Processor from Autodeskexternal link .

You can install it locally in Windows or Mac. Local install instructions.external link

You can install it in the cloud as well, then you can use it anywhere. Make sure to enable cloud libraries first. Cloud install instructions.external link

There are video instructions below showing how to install the DXF post processorexternal link .

Download and Install DXF Post Process for Fusion 360