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03.08 Laser Cut Ideation Sketches and Cardboard Model

Assignment Deliverables

  • Minimum 10 Ideations
  • Minimum 3 refined Sketch Ideas

Label your scanned sketches - YYYYMMDD Lastname First Name Project Name / Description


Use the research you conducted about laser cut objects as well as the prompts bellow to kickstart your ideation. You are not required to use these prompts and can create your own prompts.

  • Geometric or organic lampshades or hanging lamp structures
  • A modular storage system than can be rearranged or expanded
  • Design an architectural model of an existing building or of a new potential building
  • A kinetic articulating object with moving parts
  • Unique geometric table top game pieces
  • Collapsible container with flexible living hinges

Ideation Sketches

  1. After initial design research, begin by drawing ideation sketches of solutions. At this stage try to draw many different ideas without censoring your thoughts. No idea is bad at this point.
  2. Draw many ideas with different contours and solutions to the problem.
  3. Draw a minimum of 10 ideation sketches of different designs and ideas. Each idea should be new and unique.
  4. Draw your ideations sketches large enough. The maximum number of ideation sketches on a single page (~8.5"x11" sheet) is 6-8 sketches. Any more and they are too small.
  5. You can make your sketches via analog or digital techniques or both. If you use digital techniques, the maximum number of ideation sketches on a single screen size document is 6-8 sketches. Any more and they are too small.

Idea Sketch Refinement

  1. After an initial out of ideation go back through your sketches and see which ones seem promising.
  2. Choose five of these ideas and refine them and redraw them larger. Pay attention to showing how the pieces of the stand would go together. Try to draw them as solid things in three-dimensional space on your page.
  3. Draw a minimum of 3 refined sketch ideas.
  4. Draw your refined sketches large enough. The maximum number of refined sketches on a single page (~8.5"x11" sheet) is 2-3 sketches. Any more and they are too small.
  5. You can make your sketches via analog or digital techniques or both. If you use digital techniques, the maximum number of refined sketches on a single screen size document is 2-3 sketches. Any more and they are too small.

Grading Rubric

Thumbnails20 points
3 Revised Sketches30 points
Depth and Variety of ideas30 points
Sketch Documentation10 points
File Management10 points