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02.07 Model Example Objects from Sketches in Fusion 360

Assignment Deliverables

Upload the following:

  • 1 high resolution, labeled render image (1:1, 4:3, 16:9 aspect ratio, 4000px minimum largest side)
  • 1 exported Fusion 360 .f3d file How to export .f3d File

Label your files:

  • YYYYMMDD Lastname Firstname Render Image of Example Model.png/jpg
  • YYYYMMDD Lastname Firstname Fusion 360 Example Model.f3d


Choose 1 of the example objects from the demo videos. The choice is up to you. Follow along and make the 3D model using the techniques in the video. Then make a render and upload it with the exported .f3d file of the model from Fusion 360. You can put any materials you want on the models to make interesting renders, but should try your best to make them the same size and shape.

Fusion 360 Example Modeling Videos

1. Model USB Plug from Third Angle Projection

2. Model Toy Block

3. Model Drinking Glass

4. Model Binder Clip

5. Model Padlock

Grading Rubric

Object Form and Proportions compared to example model30 points
Material Applied20 points
Render Exported10 points
Render Composition10 points
File Management10 points

Examples of Fusion 360 Renders of Example Objects