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14.07 3S Animation Project

Assignment Deliverables

  1. Exported .mp4 video file of 3d animation with sound
  2. Blender or Maya project file

Assignment Requirements

Create a ~10-15 second long video composed in Adobe Premiere using images created and rendered in Blender or Maya

  • Include multiple animated sequences from Blender or Maya.
  • Use a minimum of 2 different camera angles
  • Have multiple scenes.
  • Have UV mapped objects with textures created by you
  • Show basic animation principles such as squash and stretch, movement in arcs, acceleration / deceleration, easing in / easing out
  • Include sounds created by you.
  • Include music from public domain or created by you.
  • Have text as credits or intro

Grading Rubric

Have Multiple Scenes50 points
Show Basic Animation Principles50 points
Folder of Exported Rendered Images25 points
Use of Lighting and Rendering25 points
UV Textures Applied to Objects25 points
Use Sound Effects and Music to Enhance Animation25 points
Text Credits25 Points