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08.06 Maya 3D Modeling Basics

Maya User Interface Quick Start

Maya is a 3D modeling program that can be overwhelming at the start but like any software, becomes much easier and understandable with a bit of use.

Maya Keyboard Shortcuts 1

Maya Keyboard Shortcuts

Essential Maya Keyboard Shortcuts

Maya KeyAction
aFrame all
fFrame selected
f8object mode
f9vertex mode
f10edge mode
f11face mode

Maya Mouse Controls

Mouse ControlAction
alt (option) + left mouse Buttonrotate camera
alt (option) + middle mouse Buttonpan camera
alt (option ) + right mouse button or scroll wheelzoom camera

Maya Introduction

Maya default scene with cube

Maya Default Scene with cube

The official online Maya Learning Documentationexternal link is a good place to learn the basics and investigate advanced topics.

Maya Basic Modeling

Maya User Interface

Maya Polygon Modeling Tools

Maya Hole in Cube

Maya Beginner Polygon Modeling Tutorial