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08.06 Maya 3D Modeling Basics

Maya User Interface Quick Start

Maya is a 3D modeling program that can be overwhelming at the start but like any software, becomes much easier and understandable with a bit of use. The official Maya Help Documentationexternal link is a great place to get started with the basics of Maya as well as explore advanced topics.

Maya Keyboard Shortcuts 1

Maya Keyboard Shortcuts

Essential Maya Keyboard Shortcuts

Maya KeyAction
aFrame all
fFrame selected
f8object mode
f9vertex mode
f10edge mode
f11face mode

Maya Mouse Controls

Mouse ControlAction
alt (option) + left mouse Buttonrotate camera
alt (option) + middle mouse Buttonpan camera
alt (option ) + right mouse button or scroll wheelzoom camera

Maya Introduction

Maya default scene with cube

Maya Default Scene with cube

Maya Basic Modeling

Maya User Interface

Maya Polygon Modeling Tools

Maya Move Objects

Maya Mirror Tool

Maya Hole in Cube

Maya Beginner Polygon Modeling Tutorial