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07.10 Photo Documentation of Laser Cut Project

Assignment Deliverables

  • Upload a minimum of 2 photos from classroom photo backdrop or think[box] photo stand
  • Upload a minimum of 2 photos from the environment
  • Upload both the “RAW” photo and the edited .jpg for all photos
  • Label Photos YYYYMMDD Lastname Firstname 5 Word Description. (arw, cr2, dng, jpg, png)

Assignment Overview

Have good lighting and a good composition for both the photos with a neutral background and those in an environment. For the environment photos, think about what is in the background, it should be intentional and not be cluttered. The environment photo should show how the object might be used. It should tell a story. Make sure Edit your photos in PhotoShop / Camera Raw for the best results.

Use think[box] Photo Stand or Classroom Photo Backdrop

There is a photo stand at the think[box]that is perfect for documenting small objects. You can take your laser cut project to the think[box] and use the soft boxes and flashes already set up. Follow the instructionsexternal link provided by the think[box]. Do not use your cell phone with this setup.

Document Your Project in the Environment

In addition to the photos with a photo backdrop or at the think[box] take a minimum of 2 photos of the laser cut in use in the environment. This will tell a story about the object and offer the viewer different insights into the design over the more sterile neutral background.

Grading Rubric

Photo Backdrop Documentation 120 points
Photo Backdrop Documentation 220 points
Environment Photo Documentation 120 points
Environment Photo Documentation 220 points
Post Processing / White Balance20 points
Raw Files Uploaded10 points
File Management10 points