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05.06 Laser Cut and 3D Print Ideation Assignment

Assignment Deliverables

  1. Ideation Sketches uploaded as a pdf or sequentially labeled images (.pdf, .jpg, .png)
    • Label files YYYYMMDD Lastname Firstname Laser Cut 3D Print Ideation
  2. Physical Model of initial design made of cardboard, foam core, plastic, paper or other appropriate physical material

Project Requirements

  • Use 3D printing
  • Use Laser Cutting
  • Incorporate existing object(s) into structure and design


Begin with rough an unrestricted ideation sketches for an eventual form that combines 3D printing, laser cutting, and existing objects such as acrylic tubing, fasteners, curved sheet, flanges, or other non decorative objects. The exiting objects can add to the visuals but they must be essential to the form in addition to the visuals.

Refine your ideation sketches. Although not required, it is a good idea to quickly draw some freehand third-angle-projections to get a sense of how the object exists in three-dimensions.

Using your sketches as a guide, fabricate a proportionate physical model of your concept.

Assignment Resources