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03.06 Sculpture and Expanded Media Install Room Modeling Exercise Assignment

Assignment Deliverables

  1. 3D Model file of scale model of Sculpture + Expanded Media Installation Rooms (.blend, .mb, ma, .skp)
    • Label File YYYYMMDD Lastname Firstname install rooms model
  2. Minimum of 1 rendered image of each install room .(png, .jpg)
    • Label Files YYYYMMDD Lastname Firstname install room 1 render


Use measurements taken from the physical space, photos, fSpy, and available floor plans to create and accurate 3D digital model of the Sculpture + Expanded Media Installation Rooms.

CIA 2nd Floor Plan

PDF of Cleveland Institute of Art Floor Plans Archive Link

Grading Rubric

3D Model File Uploaded10
Install Room Proportions Correct10
Door Openings Present10
Additional Structures Details10
Materials Added10
Lighting Added to Scene10
Sculpture or object added10
Render of room 110
Render of room 210
File Management10

Additional Resources

Made in SketchUp