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01.07 Modeling and Sculptural Ideation Assignment

Assignment Deliverables

  1. A 3D model file of the found object (submitted as a .blend, .mb, .f3d, or another appropriate format).
    • 3D model file should show minimum of 5 different arrangements of 10 of the modular forms
  2. Minimum of 2 renders of selected sculptural arrangements (.png or .jpg)
  3. Reflection uploaded as (.docx or .pdf)

Assignment Overview

This assignment challenges students to explore the creative possibilities of repetitive forms through the process of 3D modeling. By selecting a found object that can be obtained in multiples, students will model the object to scale in a 3D program, experiment with various arrangements digitally, and render their designs. The final goal is to evaluate which arrangement is the most visually compelling and consider constructing the physical sculpture.

Assignment Steps

  1. Object Collection
    • Identify a found object that you can obtain in quantities of 10 or more. Consider everyday objects such as bottle caps, paperclips, small boxes, or anything else that is easily accessible. Check out the SEM found objects.
    • Ensure that the object is simple enough to be modeled within the scope of your current 3D modeling skills but has potential for interesting repetition and arrangement.
  2. 3D Modeling:
    • Use the 3D modeling software of your choice (e.g., Blender, Rhino, Maya, etc.) to create an accurate model of your chosen object. Pay close attention to dimensions and proportions to ensure the model is to scale.
    • Apply textures and materials to your model to closely resemble the physical object. This will help in evaluating the visual impact of your final renders.
  3. Arrangement Exploration
    • Experiment with different three-dimensional arrangements of your modeled object within the 3D space. Consider principles of design such as balance, symmetry, rhythm, and contrast as you explore different compositions.
    • Use tools such as duplication, rotation, scaling, and alignment to create various configurations. Think creatively about how the repetition of your object can generate new forms, patterns, or textures.
  4. Rendering:
    • Render multiple arrangements of your object using appropriate lighting and camera settings to evaluate the aesthetic qualities of each composition.
    • Create at least three different rendered images showcasing distinct arrangements. These should highlight the strengths and weaknesses of each configuration.
  5. Evaluation and Reflection
    • Select the arrangement that you feel is the most visually compelling. Consider how the composition interacts with space, the potential for viewer engagement, and the overall aesthetic appeal.
    • Write a brief reflection (300-500 words) explaining your choice of the final arrangement, discussing your design process, and how this digital exploration might inform the construction of a physical sculpture.

Grading Rubric

Accuracy and detail of the 3D model object20
Creativity and variety in the explored arrangements20
Minimum 5 arrangements20
Render Image 1 Uploaded20
Render Image 2 Uploaded20
3D Model File Uploaded10
File Management10

Assignment Resources

3D Modeling Resources

Rendering Resources