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06.01 Introduction

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This is the second week of fabrication . At the beginning stages of fabrication it is important to make tests and prototypes as proof of concepts. Once these fabrication process and technical demonstrations are validated, then a procedural fabrication sequence can be developed. Following this sequence of steps, assembly line like fabrication production can begin. Unlike a traditional factory fabrication line, where each step of the process is done simultaneously, in an art studio context it is often most efficient to batch different processes. For example, if working with paper maché it is better to cut a large stack of paper strips all at once and then apply them to an armature rather than cut each strip individually while your hands are covered in paste.

Raul Romero will visit remotely with the class to check in on everyone’s progress and to discuss the sound components of the installation. Students should have questions prepared and be ready to take notes.

Learning Objectives

  • Make fabrication tests of planned structures for installation
  • Develop batch process to work efficiently in the studio
  • Make final rough plan for gallery installation and deliver to gallery director
  • Consult with Raul Romero about sound