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03.04 Scale Model Revisions Assignment

Assignment Deliverables

  • Revised scale model that incorporates a minimum of 1 idea from the models of the other two groups
  • Add more details for lights, sound, and interactivity based on visit with Hepp and in class discussions
  • 3 updated point of view photos of changes made to the model, taken with small cameras in the model (Each student should take 3 photos. Don’t forget to properly label them.) (.jpg or .png)
    • Label the photos:
      • YYYYMMDD Lastname Firstname Other Group Idea 1.jpg/png
      • YYYYMMDD Lastname Firstname Other Group Idea 2.jpg/png
      • YYYYMMDD Lastname Firstname Simulated Gallery Photo.jpg/png
  • A new group presentation is not required. We will discuss the physical models and the updated photos.


After gaining more understanding of the possibilities for using light in an installation from the visit with Hepp Maccoy your group’s task is to revise your physical 1/24 scale model prototype. Currently there are 3 1/24 scale models of proposed installations. We condensed the ideas from 10 individual student’s ideations into 3 different prototype models. Now we will explore ways to creatively combine the remaining ideas into a cohesive whole.

Think critically and objectively about each part of the installation. If something is included then ask, “Why?” Ask, “What can we remove or add to make it better?”

Use the restrictions of the space and the combination of ideas as a creative catalyst. As you work on the models more ideas will come to you through the process.

We will likely use quite a number of LED strip lights. Now that you know what these look like and their approximate size, build them into the model. Simulate built structures that have diffusing membranes.

Remember - If you can’t make a simple representation of something out of hot glue and cardboard, then it is likely difficult to build for real.

Each student should take 3 new simulated gallery photos from within the model. Use a small camera such as your cellphone. Take 1 photo of each of the other group’s ideas you incorporated into the model as well as a third photo of your choice.

Grading Rubric

Incorporation of other group’s concept 125
Incorporation of other group’s concept 125
Group’s 1/24 scale model overall improvements20
3 Simulated Gallery Photos20
File Management + Labeling10