01.14 - Servo Shenanigans Assignment
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Assignment Deliverables
- Upload a 5 second to 30 second video of your servo motor interacting with the environment.
- Label the file YYYYMMDD Lastname Firstname Servo Video.mp4
Review the Arduino Servo Example .
- Attach your servo motor to the Arduino and upload the example sketch.
- Modify the parameters to change the behavior of the servo motor.
- Then attach objects to the arms of the servo or attach the servo to an object. Make it interact with the environment in interesting ways. This could be as simple as taping a cutout paper hand and arm to the servo so it can wave.
- Use your imagination and have fun.
- Take a brief video to show the servo shenanigans. You can use a mobile device for the video. Make sure there is good lighting, (daytime window or a couple desk lamps)
- Save the video as an mp4 and upload it.