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00.01 Syllabus

Course Description

This is a seminar class that guides students in the development and realization of a semester long research project in electronic arts. Projects can be in a wide range of areas, hybrid thinking and intermedia approaches are strongly encouraged. Topics in the theory and history of contemporary art related to current and emerging practices will also be discussed. The class is designed to allow for synthesis of content from earlier studies into significant finished work that will be shown in an exhibition planned, managed and coordinated by the students under the direction of the instructor. In-class time will be divided between lecture, lab, and collaborative activities.

Class sessions will be a combination of lecture/discussion, hands-on lab exercises, and in-class studio. There will be weekly assignments/projects and student presentations, especially during the first half of the term.

Learning Goals and Objectives

Upon completion of the course, students will have to opportunity to:

  • Gain perspective on historic/current applications of electronics technology in an arts context
  • Gain basic hands-on proficiency in practical electronics – including both analog and digital circuits
  • Learn the basics of physical computing using microprocessors (both programming, and interfacing to the physical world)
  • Explore basic concepts of generative art, networking art, and machine learning
  • Participate collaboratively in group workshops and labs applying these technologies
  • Develop perspectives and strategies for incorporating electronics into their own arts practice
  • Create individual and group projects incorporating electronics technology into one or more disciplines
  • Learn basic technical analytic, problem solving, and troubleshooting skills
  • Gain experience in documentation, as well as how to finish and prepare works for delivery and installation

Class Format & Policies

  • This course has 5 hours of regularly scheduled instructional time. In addition to the regularly scheduled instructional time, you’ll need to plan on 4 to 5 hours of homework time for each of your classes.
  • This course is a combination of studio work as well as lecture, group dialogue, critiques etc.
  • Projects will sometimes have in-progress reviews in addition to critiques when the projects are finished. The instructor as well as students participate in the critiques. This takes time and is part of the studio learning experience and a big part of the course.
  • Students must avoid behavior that disrupts the learning process, or that otherwise may be offensive to classmates, or that is disrespectful to the instructor.
  • Take physical notes. Smart people write things down. Be smart.
  • Pay attention. Make sure to stay engaged.
  • Ask questions. Don’t worry about interrupting. If the instructor decides to answer your question later, they will let you know.
  • Don’t fall behind - we progress quickly and steadily!


You’re required to contribute to all critiques, even if your own project is not complete. Successful crits depend on each student’s generosity in sharing their honest thoughts, opinions and suggestions!

Late Work

Projects must be turned in on time. On time is before the beginning of class on the day that they are due or other time as specified by the instructor. Late projects will automatically drop 2% per day late.


Students should maintain regular, on-going and timely documentation of work in progress.

Required Supplies

  • Loose Paper to Draw on (Can use printer paper or other loose paper, not paper in a sketchbook)
  • Pencil
  • Eraser
  • Safety Goggles (not needed on first day)
  • Hearing Protection (not needed on first day)
  • Laptop

Required Textbooks and Readings

  • No required textbook
  • Course resources are available online

Experiments in Electronic Arts Tentative Outline

The primary goal of this course is the realization of a major final project. Students will be asked to define their final project early in the term, and to make steady progress towards completion as measured by meeting predefined milestones and dates (project definition, design, technical prototyping, etc.). Students will be required to keep a weekly progress log reporting the planned work for the week, accomplishments, and issues. Students will be expected to share their progress (and challenges) in class for the benefit of the group.

Concurrently with work on the final project, a range of smaller learning modules in electronics, programming, and physical computing will be introduced via weekly lecture/ demonstration. There will be additional weekly assignments that exercise and reinforce these skills, especially during the first half of the term. Topics may be adjusted to support the specific needs of students and their final projects, while still providing a common base of technical skills. Beyond facility with specific hardware and software, we will emphasize broader generalized skills in design, analysis, diagnosis and troubleshooting, to enable students to continue to grow their practice as new technologies emerge.