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05.00 - Introduction

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This module introduces the multimeter and explains how to use it to measure voltage, resistance, and current. Then the “Prototyping Triangle” is introduced as a way to simplify complex electronics projects into smaller components that can be worked on individually. The three main categories are hardware, software, and structure. The same technique is applied to coding by breaking up a program into functions with descriptive names. This essentially makes a todo list for completing the code and the project. Multimeters are introduced as a troubleshooting tool.

Learning Objectives

  • Measure Voltage with a multimeter
  • Measure Resistance with a multimeter
  • Measure Continuity with a multimeter
  • Turn a code snippet into a function
  • Make a list of empty functions as a program skeleton


  • Multimeter
  • Continuity
  • function
  • COM