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04.07 Project Component Proof of Concept Prototype

Assignment Deliverables

  1. Arduino.ino file of code you attempted with comments of what works and what doesn’t (.ino)
  2. Photos of physical prototypes and tests, regardless if successful or not (.jpg, .png)
  3. 5-30 second video of physical parts working, partially working, or not working at all (.mp4, mov)
  4. Brief written report of what you tried, what happened, what your next goals are. (.docx, .pptx, or .pdf)

Assignment Overview

After refining an initial idea through ideation and iteration, we broke our projects into multiple bit sized components. Then we researched how to accomplish one of the components needed to complete the project. Now we will attempt to make a proof of concept prototype for this portion of our projects.

We want to learn as quickly as possible:

  • what we can do
  • what we will likely be able to do with more time
  • what we will unlikely be able to do within the semester
  • what we will not be able to do

Then we can eliminate parts of our project that are not possible. This may require modifying concepts and ideas, but that it far better than basing an entire project on something that is not possible.

Each of you will have different assignment details but the studio actions are the same. Read the initial suggestions for how to proceed and give it your best shot. Ask lots of questions along the way. If you find that another approach is better, you are not required to do the specific approach in the disscussion comments but you do need to work on the concept as best you can.

Experiment and Be Open to Unknowns

There will likely not be an answer available that does exactly what you want to do, but there are more than likely many examples that do similar things. As you research and test ideas, assimilate from multiple sources. In the begining much will be confusing and that is ok. The only way to do something unknown it to do your best research, design an experiment, test it out, review the results, think about next steps, and repeat.


Make sure to include any sources.