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01.05 Artist Statement Collection Assignment

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Assignment Deliverables

  • upload edited and collected presentation of artist statements, images, and your written assessment. (.pdf format)
  • Label the file YYYYMMDD Lastname Firstname Artist Statement Collection.pdf


  1. Collect a minimum of 5 different artist statements. (Do your best to go beyond artist’s whose statements you have read. You can collect more than 5.)
  2. For each statement, collect an image or other documentation of the work discussed.
  3. Read the statements and make notes of which parts helped to explain the work and which parts were unnecessary.
  4. Assemble excerpts and quotes from the statements that demonstrate clarity and confusion. Write down your reasoning about these quoted excerpts.
  5. Make a brief presentation with the statements, images, and your writing. Convert the document to a PDF and upload.
  6. Label the file YYYYMMDD Lastname Firstname Artist Statement Collection.pdf