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Physical computing is the field of study and practice that combines computer science with electronics and mechanics to create interactive systems that can sense and respond to the physical world. It is also known as embedded systems design, interactive electronics, or DIY electronics.

Physical computing projects often involve using microcontrollers, such as the Arduino or Raspberry Pi , to connect sensors and actuators to a computer. The microcontroller can then be programmed to read the sensor data and control the actuators accordingly. This allows people to create all sorts of interactive devices, such as robots, musical instruments, and home automation systems, and art installations .

Physical computing is popular for people of all ages and skill levels. It is also used in education to teach students about science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). Additionally, physical computing is used in many industries, such as robotics, manufacturing, and healthcare.

Physical computing projects are typically programmed using a variety of software languages, such as C++, Python, and JavaScript. These languages allow one to write code that controls the behavior of the microcontroller and the other hardware components.

Electronics Fabrication

  • Wire crimping connections
  • Heat shrink tape
  • Fuses
  • Wire gauge electrical wire basics
  • Stranded vs solid
  • Solder vs crimped

Raspberry Pi

The Raspberry Pi is an example of a single board computer.


The Arduino is a cheap, simple single board multiprocessor with digital and analog input and output pins.

Arduino Tutorials

Count 2 Dimensional Array

Count 2 dimensional or Multi dimensional Array Arduinoexternal link

#define ArrayCount(array) (sizeof array / sizeof array[0])
const SomeType TwoDArray[5][4];

ArrayCount(TwoDArray) should evaluate to 5
ArrayCount(TwoDArray[0]) should evaluate to 4

Arduino LED Heartbeat Code - From Arduino Forums First made by user dlloyd and then shortened by user nickgammon in this Arduino Forum Postexternal link

void setup() { pinMode(13, OUTPUT); }
void loop()  { digitalWrite(13, !(millis() & 640)); }

Daft Punk Light Chase Arduino Code link

const byte CheekLEDPins[] = {
  3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4
};  // gives forward and back
const int CHEEK_COUNT = sizeof CheekLEDPins / sizeof CheekLEDPins[0];
const unsigned CheekIntervals[CHEEK_COUNT] = {  // Milliseconds
  300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300,
  300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300
unsigned long CheekTime = millis();
int CheekStep = 0;

const int ChinLEDPins[] = {
  10, 11, 12, 13
const int CHIN_COUNT = sizeof ChinLEDPins / sizeof ChinLEDPins[0];
const unsigned ChinIntervals[] = {  // Milliseconds
  300, 300, 300, 300
unsigned long ChinTime = millis();
int ChinStep = 0;

void setup() {
  int i;
  /* Cheek LED's */
  for (i = 0; i < CHEEK_COUNT; i++)
    pinMode(CheekLEDPins[i], OUTPUT);  // Yes, it's OK to set the pinMode twice on some pins

  /* Chin LED's */
  for (i = 0; i < CHIN_COUNT; i++)
    pinMode(ChinLEDPins[i], OUTPUT);

void loop() {
  unsigned long currentMillis = millis();

  // Do the cheek animation
  if ((currentMillis - CheekTime) >= CheekIntervals[CheekStep])
    CheekTime += CheekIntervals[CheekStep];
    digitalWrite(CheekLEDPins[CheekStep], LOW); // Previous pin OFF
    CheekStep = (CheekStep + 1) % CHEEK_COUNT;
    digitalWrite(CheekLEDPins[CheekStep], HIGH);  // New pin ON

  // Do the chin animation
  if ((currentMillis - ChinTime) >= ChinIntervals[ChinStep])
    ChinTime += ChinIntervals[ChinStep];
    digitalWrite(ChinLEDPins[ChinStep], LOW); // Previous pin OFF
    ChinStep = (ChinStep + 1) % CHIN_COUNT;
    digitalWrite(ChinLEDPins[ChinStep], HIGH);  // New pin ON

Led text scroll with Arduino and Raspberry Piexternal link

Flip LED strands Python

if y % 2 == 0: # if column even
    out[ x + (h * y)] = color ( *[int( round( c * plasmaBright ) ) for c in hsv ] )
else: # if column odd
    out[ (y * h) + (h -1 -x) ] = color ( *[int( round( c * plasmaBright ) ) for c in hsv ] )