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In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to install Homebrew, a package manager for macOS, which simplifies the process of installing software on your computer. Homebrew is particularly useful for programmers and artists who often need to install various tools and libraries.

Step-by-Step Guide to Install Homebrew

  1. Access the Homebrew Website: First, type into your browser. This will take you to the Homebrew websiteexternal link where you’ll find the installation instructions.
  2. Copy the Installation Command: On the Homebrew website, there’s a command provided for installation. Click the clipboard icon next to the command to copy it. Note: not pasted here so you always get the most up to date command from the Homebrew website.
  3. Open Terminal: Now, open a Terminal window on your Mac.
  4. Paste the Command: In the Terminal, paste the command you copied from the Homebrew website. You can do this by right-clicking and selecting ‘Paste’ or by pressing Command + V on a Mac.
  5. Run the Command: After pasting the command, press Enter to execute it.
  6. Enter Administrative Password: You may be prompted to enter your administrative password. Go ahead and type it in, then press Return or Enter.
  7. Installation Process: The script will start installing Homebrew. During this process, it may install Xcode command line tools if they are not already installed. This is common, especially if you have a new installation or haven’t used the Terminal much before.
  8. Configuring the Path: If you get a warning that Homebrew is not in your path, you need to configure it. The Homebrew website provides instructions for this. Simply follow these steps:
    • Copy the provided commands (usually you’ll highlight them and press Command + C).
    • Paste them into your Terminal (using Command + V) and run them.
  9. Verify Installation: Close the Terminal window after running the path configuration commands. Open a new Terminal window and type brew. If you see information about Homebrew and its commands, it’s correctly installed and in your path.
  10. Using Homebrew: Now that Homebrew is installed, you can use it to install other packages. For example, typing brew install [package_name] will install a package of your choice.


You’ve successfully installed Homebrew on your macOS. This tool will be incredibly helpful for managing software installations, especially for programming and artistic projects.

Install Homebrew Video Transcript

In this programming for artists tutorial, I’m going to show you how to install Homebrew. Homebrew is a package manager for Mac OS or Linux. There are also package managers for Windows which I’ll cover in a separate video. If you type in into a browser you’ll come to this screen and it gives you instructions on how to install Homebrew. It says to copy this command and then paste it into a Terminal or Linux shell prompt.

I’m going to go ahead and click this clipboard, that’ll copy that command and then I’ll open up a Terminal window. In a Terminal window go ahead and paste the command and then press enter. You most likely will have to type in a password so go ahead and type in your administrative password and then all I have to do is press return or enter. It’s going to install the Xcode command line tools if these have not been installed before, and this is most likely the case if you have a new installation or you’ve never used Terminal before.

It may give you a warning that Homebrew is not in your path, so you can configure this by following these instructions down here. So the first thing we need to do is run these two commands. So we can just go ahead and highlight those press command C and then press command V and run them. And then it should have no problem finding Brew in our path so we can close this Terminal window. And then we’ll open up a new window, and then we’ll type “brew” to make sure that it’s in our path. So here we have Brew showing up so that way we know that it’s working and we can use Brew to install different packages. Hopefully that helps you install Homebrew on Mac OS.