AI Creation
- GitHub - shaoanlu/fewshot-face-translation-GAN: Generative adversarial networks integrating modules from FUNIT and SPADE for face-swapping
- AI Art Experiments with Blind Users - Artnet
- Stable Diffusion is an open source AI image generator
Musician’s Union Outlaw Synthesisers
Google Collab Links
Google AI Blog: Monster Mash: A Sketch-Based Tool for Casual 3D Modeling and Animation
GitHub - vt-vl-lab/FGVC: ECCV 2020 Flow-edge Guided Video Completion
After ChatGPT disruption, Stack Overflow lays off 28 percent of staff - Ars Technica
I read “Computer Algorithms Analyzing Paintings” in the November 19, 2014 Artforum about computer algorithms analyzing Van Gogh paintings and being able to tell the difference between the brushstrokes of forgeries in real paintings. 1 The author of the piece suggested that these new algorithms could be used by artists to find out what is the best part of a still life, then using the information gained from the deep learning of the machine and big data the artist could amp up the level to what the author calls “uncanny” levels. They could then crossbreed this with other particular styles and let genetic algorithms go through and find out new and unimaginable works of art. They also talked about finding statistical probability to determine the difference between forgeries of signatures. Computers and machines will continue to enhance and extend and externalize our memories just as I’m reading in the Organized Mind book.
AI Links
- Google pauses Gemini’s ability to generate AI images of people after diversity errors - The Verge
- A Keith Haring Painting ‘Completed’ Using A.I. Generates Backlash
- Movie Editors and Animators Fear A.I. Will Kill Jobs - The New York Times
- OpenAI won’t watermark ChatGPT text because its users could get caught - The Verge
- AI Image Generators - New York Times
- How AI is Expanding Art History
- MIT’s AI can train neural networks faster than ever before
- The ethics of AI Art - Reddit
- AI Art isn’t art - Reddit
- Article about biases in algorithms hiring people
- Amazon hiring, algorithm that showed bias against women - Rueters
- paper of 1988 biased algorithm
- Google article about text embedded bias in news articles especially related to gender stereotypes
- Why AI image editing isn’t ‘just like Photoshop’ - The Verge
- Arizona law school embraces ChatGPT use in student applications | Ars Technica
Brunton, Finn. “The Hidden Variable.” Artforum. November 2014. 119-120. ↩︎