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Artists , makers, and designers need to be proficient in many types of writing ranging for jotting down quick ideas, writing artist statements , drafting proposals, or completing reports for clients. It is important to review your notes periodically. Collect, edit and filter your thoughts.

Smart People Write Things Down

Use a pencil, a pen, a laptop, a phone, an audio recorder … anything. Write things down. Successful and smart people have written notes, journals, lists and other memory offloading systems.

Research Tips

“As you read, you should follow this three-part process: jot own specific phrases, sentences, an paragraphs as you come across them; when you’ve finished your reading, go back and write a brief summary of what you’ve learned; an then write your own reflections, questions, and thoughts.” 1

  1. The Well-Educated Mind: A Guide to the Classical Education You Never Had, Susan Wise Bauer ↩︎