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Critique is an important part of the creative process. There is no “right” way to critique . By changing up formats and methods of critique, new insights are often gleaned.

Critique Methods

Use a one minute timer, in the beginning of an art critique to have everyone describe things don’t let people describe more than one thing after having trouble getting people to participate then go all the way across the room and have everyone describe one thing then move to the interpretation phase try that for a new critique. Change up and repeat.

Guess the work by student created titles

Have students sit in front of 4 different works and write for 3 minutes. At the end of the 3 minutes have students write a 3-5 word phrase that would allow the class to accurately pick the composition out from all the others in the class. Names like “portal to the wrong swamp" come up.

Critique Forms

Give groups of three forms to fill out about other people’s work. They have to go to work that was not in one of the group of 3. Each of the group members has to write down information one time. Put markers on top of the work after it is completed it so that no one else goes to that work. When you do the full critique then have the artist say the answers in their own words about their own piece. Then have the person who wrote in the group what the group thought and sometimes people will disagree. End with a brief discussion.

Essential Parts of Any Critique Statement

There are three essential parts of a critique statement:

  1. What do you see?
  2. What do you think about it?
  3. Why do you think that?

Artist Self Assessment

To complete a self-assessment, start by asking yourself some basic questions about your project. For example:

  1. What were my goals for this project?
  2. Did I achieve my goals?
  3. What did I learn about myself as an artist while working on this project?
  4. What would I do differently if I were to do this project again?

Once you have answered these questions, you can begin to reflect on your strengths and weaknesses. For example:

  1. What aspects of my work am I most proud of?
  2. What areas could I improve?
  3. What new skills or techniques did I learn while working on this project?