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Parametric 3D modeling is a type of computer-aided design (CAD) that uses parameters to control the shape and geometry of a model. Parameters can be anything from simple dimensions to complex mathematical equations. By changing the values of parameters, designers can quickly and easily create different variations of a model, and to make changes to their designs without having to redraw the entire model from scratch.

Parametric models are created by defining a set of parameters, which are essentially variables that control the shape of the model. For example, a parametric model of a chair might have parameters for the height of the seat, the width of the backrest, and the angle of the legs. Once these parameters have been defined, the 3D Modeling software can automatically generate the 3D model of the chair.

One of the key advantages of parametric modeling is that it allows designers to explore different design options quickly and easily. By simply changing the values of the parameters, designers can see how their design changes. This can be very helpful for finding the best design for a particular application. If a designer needs to change the height of the seat in their chair model, they can simply change the value of the seat height parameter. The CAD software will then automatically update the model to reflect the change. It is important to have robust parametric models that are resilient to design changes.

Parametric 3D modeling is used in a wide variety of industries, including manufacturing, product design, architecture, and engineering. It is particularly well-suited for designing products that need to be mass-produced, such as cars, electronics, and medical devices.

Fusion 360 is a parametric modeling 3D Modeling program.

Fusion 360 Parametric Modeling