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Fusion 360 Combine Tool Tutorial: Learn the Difference Between Cut, Join, and Intersect

In this Fusion 360 tutorial, I’ll show you the difference between cut, join, and intersect. These are three of the most basic operations when you’re using the combine tool in Fusion 360 with your 3D models.

What is the Combine Tool?

The combine tool allows you to combine two or more bodies into a single body. You can use the combine tool to cut, join, or intersect bodies.


The cut operation removes the volume of the tool body from the target body.


The join operation merges the target body and the tool body into a single body.


The intersect operation creates a new body that represents the volume of the target body and the tool body that overlap.

How to Use the Combine Tool

To use the combine tool, follow these steps:

  1. In Fusion 360, select the target body.
  2. In the toolbar, click Combine.
  3. In the Combine dialog box, select the tool body.
  4. Select the operation you want to perform.
  5. Click OK.

Examples of Using the Combine Tool

Here are some examples of how you can use the combine tool:

  • You can use the cut operation to remove a section from a body.
  • You can use the join operation to combine two bodies into a single body.
  • You can use the intersect operation to create a new body that represents the volume of the overlap between two bodies.


The combine tool is a powerful tool that can be used to create complex 3D models. By understanding how to use the combine tool, you can create more realistic and functional models.

Here are some additional tips for using the combine tool:

  • Keep the tool body visible when you’re using the cut operation. This will help you to see what parts of the target body will be removed.
  • Use the keep tools option when you’re using the cut operation. This will keep the tool body in the model so that you can use it again later.
  • Use the intersect operation to create new shapes that would be difficult or impossible to create with other tools.

I hope this tutorial has helped you to learn how to use the combine tool in Fusion 360. Please let me know if you have any questions.