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How to Model a Blind Tenon Joint in Fusion 360

In this Fusion 360 tutorial, I will show you how to model a blind tenon joint to use on a CNC machine. This is a great joint because it looks nice both on the inside and the outside of the joint, and it has a lot of nice glue surface. However, there are a couple of things you want to watch out for when adding the fillets that allow the router bit to get into the corners.

What You Will Need

  • Fusion 360
  • A computer with a mouse and keyboard
  • A router bit that is the same size as the fillets you want to add


  1. Create a new Fusion 360 project.
  2. Create a new component.
  3. Create a sketch on the ground plane.
  4. Draw a rectangle that is the size of the mortise you want to create.
  5. Extrude the rectangle to the desired depth.
  6. Create a new sketch on the top face of the mortise.
  7. Draw a circle that is the size of the fillet you want to add.
  8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 for all four corners of the mortise.
  9. Extrude the circles to the desired depth.
  10. Create a new component.
  11. Create a sketch on the ground plane.
  12. Draw a rectangle that is the size of the tenon you want to create.
  13. Extrude the rectangle to the desired depth.
  14. Create a new sketch on the top face of the tenon.
  15. Project the four edges of the mortise into the tenon sketch.
  16. Use the “equals” constraint to make the projected edges equal to the edges of the mortise.
  17. Extrude the tenon to the desired depth.
  18. Arrange the mortise and tenon components so that they are aligned with each other.
  19. Use the “boolean difference” tool to cut the mortise out of the tenon.
  20. Your blind tenon joint is now complete!


  • When creating the mortise, make sure that the rectangle is centered on the origin. This will make it easier to align the mortise and tenon components later on.
  • When creating the tenon, make sure that the rectangle is offset from the origin by the same amount as the thickness of the mortise. This will ensure that the tenon fits snugly into the mortise.
  • When adding the fillets, make sure that they are the same size as the router bit you are using. This will ensure that the router bit can cut through the fillets cleanly.


In this tutorial, you learned how to model a blind tenon joint in Fusion 360. This is a great joint for use on CNC machines because it is strong and easy to make. With a little practice, you will be able to model blind tenon joints in no time!Blind mortise and tenon joints are a strong way to join plywood when making cabinets. This Fusion 360 tutorial shows how to design and 3d model blind mortise and tenon joints for fabrication on a CNC router.