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How to Stack the Bevel Modifier in the Sub D Modifier for Quick and Editable Bevels in Blender

In this Blender tutorial, I will show you how to stack the bevel modifier in the sub D modifier to be able to have quick, easy, and editable bevels on your models.

Step 1: Add the Subdivision Surface Modifier

First, select the object you want to bevel and add a subdivision surface modifier. This will increase the number of polygons in your object, giving it a smoother appearance.

Step 2: Add the Bevel Modifier

Next, add a bevel modifier to your object. In the bevel modifier settings, set the limit method to “Weight” and the segments to 2. This will allow you to control the bevels using bevel weights.

Step 3: Set the Bevel Weights

Now, you can set the bevel weights for the edges of your object. To do this, enter edit mode and select the edges you want to bevel. In the 3D view header, click on “Item” > “Mean Bevel Weight” and enter a value between 0 and 1. The higher the value, the thicker the bevel.

Step 4: Adjust the Bevel Distance

You can also adjust the bevel distance by clicking on the “Amount” field in the bevel modifier settings. The higher the value, the wider the bevel.

tep 5: Preview Your Results

Once you’re happy with the bevel weights and distance, press Tab to exit edit mode and preview your results. You can also enable smooth shading in the 3D view header to see the bevels in more detail.


By stacking the bevel modifier in the sub D modifier, you can create quick, easy, and editable bevels on your models. This technique is a great way to add detail to your models without increasing the number of polygons.

Here are some additional tips for using the bevel modifier:**

  • You can use bevel weights to create different thicknesses for different edges.
  • You can use the bevel distance to control the width of the bevel.
  • You can enable smooth shading in the 3D view header to see the bevels in more detail.
  • You can use the bevel modifier to create a variety of different effects, such as rounded corners, chamfers, and grooves.

I hope this tutorial has been helpful!